Monday, May 14, 2012

We are going to move today

I was up at 0600 this morning to check the weather. I was able to get Chris Parker's weather forecast at 0630 perfectly today on the Single Side Band (SSB). This was a first! Perhaps propagation is getting back to normal for a few days. Now that I have been able to do that, I will try a few other bells and whistles tomorrow. We are leaving Green Turtle Cay this afternoon about 1400 (2pm) as the tide builds towards high tide. We are going to make the passage around Whale Cay tomorrow, and the weather has to be pretty good to go through a narrow passageway. We would prefer the surf lay down a bit. But we will do that probably tomorrow. In the meantime, as high tide is not until late today, we will sit off NoName Cay tonite on the hook so we can leave at a more appropriate time. Although wenaremonlyngoing 17 miles, we would rather get in earlier than later. We will end up in Great Guana Cay to see how that is. Today we are filling water tanks with the water maker. This will be the first time both tanks (75gal each) will have Reverse Osmossis water in them. Prior, I have kept one tank filled with local water. But water is running $.25 per gallon, if you can get it. We would rather have homemade though than dal with any impurities that the locals are used to that we aren't. So we have been running the GenSet today to ensure it is working well. I khave calibrated a measuring stick to determine how much water we have in each tank. Up to now, I have not needed to do that. All is running well, and at least for the next few days, we probably will be out of kcontact, so I will sign off with a reservation for you for Sundowners at Great Guana Cay for tomorrow evening. CYA then JonNe'

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