Friday, June 17, 2011

We are sailing at last!!

We finally left the marina this afternoon at 1415 (2:15pm for those of you in Rio Linda).  Re-alignment went well, sea trial went well, we signed off on the inspection, and we are gone!!!  We were out on the Atlantic by 1545 (3:45pm) heading north east.  We are in the Gulf Current and riding along as fast as 8.8 kts, but averaging about 7.5.  Right now 1955, sun is going down, winds are 110/12kts.  Winds are dropping, they have been as high as 18-19kts.  Waves have been north, southeast, east, just all over the compass.  But we are sailing.  We haven't had the engine on since 1600.  This is great.  Pretty clear night and we are about 7-8 miles off the coast north of Fort Lauderdale about 15 miles.  Gentle rolling.  Renne' is down below trying to get some sleep while I am on watch.  Can't believe the Virgin Mobile MIFI is working this far out - at least I hope it is working.  If not, we will put this out tomorrow morning.  We are headed for Port Canaveral, and if all works out, we will be in there by 1830 tomorrow afternoon.  How cool.  This is the first night passage Renne' and I have been on by ourselves.  We have always had someone with us, so this is really cool!

Come to Port Canaveral tomorrow evening about sundown and enjoy sundowners with us.  We had some ice left over from this morning, so we had rum and cokes for cocktails this evening.  That, thanks to Barb and Doug Schindler.  They always make sure there is enough fuel for ice!!!

I need to get a VERY LOUD SHOUTOUT to Tony Zamara, harbor master at Grove Harbor Marina and Boat Yard.  Talk about a gentleman and Great Manager!  Tony bent over backwards to help us through all of this, and he was a blessing when we felt all of this was going to Hell in a handbasket.  So if you are headed into Miami, head into the Main Channel and head south about 3 miles into Biscayne Bay.  Take the Dinner Key Entrance and watch your depth. He is waiting there for you!!

Grove Harbor Marina - - Did I say he was a great guy!!

See ya tomorrow for sundowners!!


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