Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The famed Isle of Capri, Sept 17th

I am updating this on Dec 24, 2012 - Just imagine we are still in Italy!

September 17 - 1949

Tonite we are sitting in the lea of the Isle of Capri. Amazing. Actually, we are sitting a bit exposed. The sail across to Capri (we pronounce it Ca'pri, the Italians pronounce it as Cap'ri) was uneventful.  Actually it was more of a motorsail, as there wasn't that much wind.  Procida to Capri is 16nm.  We approached from the North, and we were specifically looking for the Blue Grotto.
 Below is a stock photo of the interior of the Blue Grotto
However, we chose to pass it up.  Although this is rumored to be the "Love Grotto" for Emperor Tiberius, we chose to bypass because the fee was like $15.00 per person and as you can see above, it was CROWDED!  So we proceeded around the the island to the east, and saw this statue on a protruding outcrop of rock.
A bit farther around the island, we had planned to anchor out in a very nice anchorage.  The rock formations and caves were spectacular.  We explored them extensively by foot and dinghy.

I was in a cave this afternoon that looked out over the water. I climbed 125 steps to get there.

We were thrown out of this anchorage which we really liked, but the Italian Coast Guard (Guardia Costeria) came by and told us we had to leave. NOW!  We picked up our anchor and motored around to the south side of the island. 

There is a small community here, Port Piccola (tiny port) and it was beautiful.  

We tried to pick up a mooring here, but a dinghy came out to tell us it was a private ball. So we had to find a place to anchor.  This was the second place we have thrown out of TODAY!  We are actually glad we are here. This island is beautiful!  

Renne', Doug, and I went shopping this morning prior to breakfast. We were having problems finding a store, so Doug went one way and R and I went the other. When we found each other, we were surprised at how much we had duplicated without talking about it. So we are pretty much stocked for the next few days.

Anchored out here are two private yachts over 125'.  One of them is at least 150 ' because of the lights rigged on the boat. 

We will leave here tomorrow morning and head for the Amalfi Coast.  The weather here is perfect. Temp right now is 68 or 70 with a very light breeze. The sky is clear. How beautiful. Great time to be here!

We missed you if you were sitting at the dock. Sorry. But Sundowners were excellent!  We will try to catch up with you farther down the coast. We will skip Sorento and head farther on down the coast. Bring the wine and rum with you, we are running a bit short. 

Jon and Renne'
Aboard  S/V Plankton with Doug and Barb

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