Friday, March 9, 2012

You Might Be A Cruiser, if. . . .

Our friend, Rita Wolf, found this in the Cruising World Blogs and I had to pass it on.  It is so true, and we have been victim of most of them!  The very last one definately is US!

You Might be a Full-Time Cruiser If...

by Brittany & Scott on s/v Rasmus
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Brittany & Scott on s/v Rasmus
Scott gave me this idea for a blog post one morning when he was helping me get breakfast supplies and said something to the tune of "I wonder how many people sleep over cookies, granola bars and chips." It was in that instant that this post was born. Of course this list is not finite, it could probably go on forever.  However, just for fun today:
You *MIGHT* be a Full-Time Cruiser if... sleep over your "pantry" and literally have to crawl in and out of bed...
...leaving a tap running for anything longer than 2 seconds makes you cringe... don't think twice about a 2 mile walk to the grocery store...'re hyper-tuned to out-of-the-ordinary sounds and/or smells... wake up with mysterious bruises you don't recall getting... light your stove with a match and make toast over an open flame... get really excited about a half-way decent, one-pot meal... see a new gadget and your first question is "how many amps does it draw?"...
...your life is dictated by the weather... have more zip lock bags than is normal or necessary... have mastered the art of washing with mere quarts of water...
...laundry done by your own two hands comes out better than the laundromat... pretty much wear the same thing every day, and no one notices or cares... is a luxury that is always accompanied by a big smile and a high-five...
...cardboard is the enemy and is not allowed on the boat...
...when something breaks, your first instinct is not "who to call?"... use T-9 and WD40 as frequently as others use hairspray... laugh out loud if someone on land complains they "don't have room"... don't mind warm beer, in fact, you sort of like it... have no clue what's on television or in the theaters and don't care...'ve peed in the sink - not because your drunk -  but because it's just easier... use only one quarter of the paper towel at a time... know your boat like most people know their children... long for more solar and/or wind power and ogle other peoples' set-ups...'ve seen the bare ass of at least one of your boat neighbors before...
...finding a new way to store something more efficiently literally makes your day... get really excited when you look at a balanced battery meter... get a tour of another boat and get jealous of storage space... have more flashlights and head-lamps than a spelunker...
...prepping to cook a meal requires you to get on all fours at any given point... break a sweat just getting out the tools necessary to complete a job... cannot walk into a marine store without buying something... know the wind speed just by the sound and feel of your boat... use oil and vinegar not only for salad, but for your toilet - on a regular basis...
and my personal favorite, you know you're a full-time cruiser if... honestly don't know where the day, week, month, or year will take you...
What can you add to the list?
Brittany & Scott

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