Saturday, October 22, 2011

We're Cruising, Just Not On JonNe' Right Now

Renne' and I have been feeling a bit guilty lately. 

We are cruising on JonNe', but at this moment, haven't been aboard her for 4 days shy of a month.  As we have been so attached to JonNe', for so long, it is as if we have left her to forage on her own while we are out LAND CRUISING for a while.  I decided, just this morning, that we are STILL cruising, and we would be doing this in a foreign country too.  We just haven't arrived in a foreign country yet!!

When we arrived in Charleston in August,
 Fort Sumpter - start of the Civil War
 Downtown Charleston from Charleston Harbor - One of the early ports renowned as a haven for early pirates:  Anne Bonny, Bartholomew Roberts, Edward Teach (Blackbeard), and numerous other ne'er-do-wells.
 USS Yorktown at the Charleston Harbor Resort and Marina
 Bridge over the Cooper River

we were so excited about the prospect of joining Doug and Barbara on their adventure in Spain.  Prior to leaving we stripped JonNe' bare of all her sails, her canvas, cushions, ice chests, anything that might blow away should she experience a hurricane or tropical disturbance while we were gone, and added an extra set of dock lines.  While we were in Spain, Hurricane Irene decided to pay her a visit, yet she visited on the good side of the neighborhood (east side of us), yet she was still pretty rude with 40+ knots of wind.  So to to top that visit off, Tropical Storm Lee came roaring northeast out of the Gulf of Mexico and hit JonNe' from the West (the bad side of a tropical disturbance) with 50+ kts of wind.  We called the Cooper River Marina, and they had already added just one extra dockline to one cleat, and they said she was doing great. 

When we returned to her on September 6th, we were (all three - Renne', me, and JonNe') tired and needed the comfort of just resting together.  It took two weeks to get everything put back together and functional again!

So several things began to appear on our schedule:  Our granddaughter, Junniper's birthday (Asheville, NC), the Annapolis Boat Show (Annapolis, MD), my Uncle George was very ill (Los Angeles, CA), etc.  So at the end of September, we headed north to Columbia to see Renne's family for a few days, then up to The Cliff's at Glassy Mountain to see our friends, Buzz and Carol Buvinghausen, and on to Asheville for Juniper's birthday by October 2nd.  While we were in Ashville, our friends, Bill and Coreen Hamilton just happened to show up and we had a fabulous time all the way around with family and friends.  From there, we headed directly to Annapolis, MD for the Annapolis Boat Show.  People would ask if we were looking for anything in particular, and we would answer, No, but wanted to see what was new.  As it turned out, there wasn't much in our price range we need on the boat (thankfully).

While in Annapolis, we met up with our longtime friend, Malcolm Jones (both Renne' and Malcolm remind me always they have known each other LONG before me!!), Gina Gibson and her husband, Bruce Senay, and also Greg and Valinda.  That was a great weekend!

So enough of my rambling for this portion, meet us in the San Jose' area of California at a nearby winery for a glass tonite.

Jon and Renne'

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